DexTECH Armaments

M42 helmet

about the M42

the M42 is a model of the german steel helmet or "stahlhelm" developed in 1942.

it was a sleeker and cheaper helmet made as a response to germany's supply issues.

it was also the first helmet during ww2 that germany produced without any decals.

this was done mainly to speed up production as well as make the helmet less visible in combat.

field marshal wrigley wearing

a M42 stahlhelm

(photo by rico arcon on discord)

the stahlhelm was the first combat helmet used by snowatian forces with them adopting the use

of the piece around late 2022. since then it has been used in many snowatian military operations

such as the invasion of upsala and more recently the battle in april. shown here is a photo of field

marshal wrigley wearing the helmet along with the "winter fit" while on trench guard duty. the helmet has

been modified with a winter cover and chalk paste for better camoflague

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